Mental Radio

Galeria Vermelho
São Paulo, BR

Andrés Ramírez Gaviria navigates and questions information and the codes traversing diverse cultural dialogues. The artist explores conventions amid broader and specific histories, unraveling insights from art, science, and technology. These encounters unveil hidden facets within assumed knowledge, revealing significant gaps.

Gaviria’s work, minimalist yet rich in acute reflections, sparks inquiries into established concepts, forging new associations. Such strategies invite unexpected considerations, fostering reflections both original and surprising. The artist invites us to perceive imperceptible yet impactful movements and transformations.

Emphasizing the myriad connections information breeds, Gaviria sheds light on its infinite complexity, where flows interlace, constantly reshaping and redefining any perceived solidity. Information in this realm is dynamic, interdependent, boasting endless possibilities of interpretation.  

Each creation unfurls a systemic universe intertwined with multiple conditions. A constant, incalculable activity permeates both physical manifestations and the seemingly empty spaces. Similar to recent discoveries in physics, Gaviria’s work unveils the void as a pivotal space where information organizes itself into dynamic and intricate associations.

Throughout Andrés Ramírez Gaviria’s entire body of work, a lucid, comprehensive view of reality persists. The project harmonizes the human and vital, infinite and finite, distant and proximal, internal and external, calculated and unknown. Here, images refrain from defining or pinpointing but serve as avenues to intricate occurrences, resonating with layers of indications and openings. Within these observed events, sensitivity and intelligence converge, discerning elements that construct potential realities.